
@Issue Joins the Blogosphere

Welcome to, the online version of @Issue: Journal of Business and Design. Like the print edition of @Issue, which debuted in 1994, this blog is intended to show how design has been used effectively to raise brand identities and contribute to business success. Our hope is to spur a dialog, provide food for thought, and encourage business and design to appreciate what each brings to the creative process. We plan to keep the blog content brief and topical, leaving the printed @Issue to offer more indepth, analytical coverage.

Our intention with the blog is to post frequent updates, but bear with us while we get up to speed. Story categories may change if we find they aren’t working. This is a work-in-progress that we hope will get better with each new posting. Also, indulge us for a brief while if we pick the “low-hanging fruit” and feature case studies of projects we worked on and know first-hand.

For us, @Issue has always been a labor of love, but we can’t survive without your support. To keep the blog alive, click on us regularly, tell your friends and colleagues to visit too, share your thoughts in the Comments box, and if you are interested in becoming a sponsor, please click on “Become a Sponsor” above and email us for more information.

Come back soon. This could be the start of a beautiful friendship.
Delphine Hirasuna
@Issue Editor

8 thoughts on “@Issue Joins the Blogosphere

  1. Hi Delphine,
    This is a beautiful job, just fabulous. I'm going to spend some time exploring it over the weekend. In the meantime, congratulations!

  2. Guys, I LOVE the print version of @Issue, and this blog is a good start. But, you're going to have to post much more frequently than once every 3 or 4 days if they want us to click on their blog regularly.

    I wish you the best of success!

  3. Hello Delphine,

    I've subscribed to your RSS feed, but a word of advice, it would improve your subscription rate if you add a 'subscribe' or 'get updates' button / link at the top of your blog. I had to use the feed icon in the URL address bar, and not everyone will know to do the same.

    Good luck!

  4. Totally agree with you, David. We are working on it. Meanwhile, I hope everyone sticks with us. We hope to have that problem fixed and starting posting much more content next week. Thanks. — Delphine

  5. This is great news! Just bookmarked you and subscribed your design posts. Looking forward to taking it all in…

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