Design Quizzes

Quiz: Test Your Money Symbol Skills

We have all heard of the American dollar, the European Union euro, the South African rand, the Japanese yen, etc., but can you recognize currency symbols on sight? Are you aware that at least 24 countries use the “$” sign to denote that the number that follows has a monetary value? In this global economy, it has becoming increasingly important for designers, editors and proofreaders to have at least a rudimentary knowledge of money marks. Here are a few currency symbols. Using the number beside each symbol, see if you can match the symbol with the country that uses it. Note: Due to space, not all countries that share the same symbol are listed.

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2 thoughts on “Quiz: Test Your Money Symbol Skills

  1. I love the idea of this quiz! As we are increasingly interacting with the global economy, it is vital to know all of these money marks… or at least a good percent of them. It's also really interesting to see the similarities between the money marks such as the Peso and the Tugrik or the Dollar and the Yen. I'm interested in learning about the evolution of these marks and their designers. After only being able to identify about five of these money marks, I also apparently have some studying to do!

  2. I love the idea of this quiz! As we are increasingly interacting with the global economy, it is vital to know all of these money marks… or at least a good percent of them. It's also really interesting to see the similarities between the money marks such as the Peso and the Tugrik or the Dollar and the Yen. I'm interested in learning about the evolution of these marks and their designers. After only being able to identify about five of these money marks, I also apparently have some studying to do!

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